Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
MauterndorfMauterndorf, province of Salzburg, market town in the district of Tamsweg, alt. 1,121 m, pop. 1,663, area 32.71 km2, tourist resort (245,088 overnight stays, particularly popular with tourists in winter due to its vast skiing region extending from Großeck Mountain to Speiereck Mountain), situated in Taurach Valley in the Lungau (one of Salzburg´s five main regions), along the road crossing the Radstädter Tauern Mountains. - Vehicle licensing office, holiday home for young people ("Musisches Heim"), home run by Pro Juventute children´s charity, Lungau Museum of Landscape and Nature, cultural centre including a multipurpose hall (in the castle), sports aerodrome, mineral spring at Kelchbrunn; construction industry, quarry with gravel works, timber processing, machine construction.- First documented mention of Mauterndorf in 1144, Gothic parish church with extensions added in Baroque style, tower enlarged in 1746, Late Gothic bas-reliefs (around 1520), Late-Gothic statues (around 1500), 6 Baroque altars from the church of Tamsweg (Spitalskirche); Romanesque subsidiary church at St. Gertrauden, nave with a wooden ceiling, west gallery ornamented with paintings, Renaissance altars (1601 and 1607); graveyard of the Innocents; Baroque subsidiary church of St. Wolfgang (consecrated in 1647), many wayside chapels and numerous small wayside shrines; castle (erected in 1253, extensions added between the 14th and the 16th centuries); castle chapel with Gothic frescoes (14th century) and a Gothic winged altar (around 1455), enlarged between the 14th and the 16th centuries, gradually fell into disrepair, was rebuilt between 1894 and 1901, now houses the cultural centre and the Lungau Museum of Landscape and Nature. Burghers´ residences (originally built in a style prevalent between the 16th and the 17th centuries); old farmsteads (Einhof); Custom: Samson Procession. Literature: M. Maierbrugger, Das tausendjährige Mauterndorf, 1967; W. Gappmayer, Die Burg Mauterndorf im Lungau, 1983. References to other albums: