Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Mannheimer, Isaac Noa© Copyright Isaac Noa Mannheimer, lithograph by E. Kaiser, 1858 Mannheimer, Isaac Noa, b. Copenhagen (Denmark), Oct. 17, 1793, d. Vienna, March 18, 1865, preacher at the Jewish Town Temple in Vienna (Wiener Stadttempel). M. was educated according to and under the influence of the Haskala (Jewish enlightenment) and in 1824 was called to Vienna; at the Vienna Town Temple (consecrated in 1826) he and S. Sulzer introduced the "Vienna Rites", a moderately reformatory form of Jewish religious service, which became a model for other parts of the monarchy. Publications: Gottesdienstl. Vorträge, Vienna 1834; Rede am Grabe der Gefallenen (March 17, 1848), 1848. Literature: M. Rosenmann, I. N. M. Sein Leben und Wirken, 1922; S. Wininger, Jüd. Nat.-Biographie, vol. 4, 1928; Der Wr. Stadttempel, 1826-1976, in: Studia Judaica Austriaca VI, 1978; NDB.