Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Lombardo-venezianisches KönigreichLombardo-Venetian Kingdom: By the Vienna Congress Act of June 9, 1815 the territory in northern Italy, which was reconquered by Austria in 1813/14, was organised as the Lombardo-Venetian kingdom governed by a viceroy. It comprised 47,500 km2 and in 1857 had a population of 5,173,000. The western part was the former Duchy of Milan, which came into the possession of Karl VI in 1714 as former Spanish estate and remained Austrian territory until 1797, and Mantua, which was handed over to the Habsburgs in 1708 after the extinction of the Gonzaga-Nevers line and which was united with the Duchy of Milan in 1745. The eastern part consisted of the former republic of Venice, which was incorporated into the Austrian monarchy in 1797, but was given to the Italian king in 1805. The official language was Italian, the laws of the Italian Kingdom of Napoleonic times continued to be effective. However, the Austrian administration had to struggle with social and political structures, which were different from those of the rest of the monarchy, and with the national movement (Risorgimento). On February 25, 1848 martial law was imposed; on March 17, 1848 a popular revolt broke out in Milan and Venice, in which the Kingdom of Sardinia interfered. In the summer of 1848 the Austrian troops under Radetzky were able to capture Milan, gain another victory at Novara in 1849 and capture Venice by August of 1848. The state of siege continued until 1854. In 1851 the kingdom was divided into 2 crownlands; after Austria had been defeated, it had to cede Lombardy to the Kingdom of Sardinia in the Peace of Villafranca at Verona in 1859, and Venetia to the Italian Kingdom in 1866. Literature: F. Pesendorfer, Eiserne Krone und Doppeladler. Das Königreich Lombardo-Venetien 1814-1866, 1992; B. Mazohl-Wallnig, Österr. Verwaltungsstaat und administrative Eliten im Königreich Lombardo-Venetien 1815-1859, 1993.