Choose the headword of interest from the following list. All the entries are also available in English, even though the headword may be in German.
Laa, Wiener Bezirk - Laienrichter |
Laa, Wiener Bezirk |
Laa an der Thaya |
Laaer Berg |
Laakirchen |
Laas |
Labor, Josef |
Lach, Andreas |
Lach, Fritz |
Lach, Robert |
Lacina, Ferdinand |
Lacken |
Lackenbach |
Lackner Lackhner, Lochner, Andreas |
Lackner, Josef |
Lacy Lascy, Franz Moritz Graf von |
Ladis |
Ladislaus Postumus |
Lafarge Perlmooser AG |
Lafite, Carl |
Lafite, Peter |
Lafnitz |
Lagerhäuser |
Laib Laibl, Leib, Conrad |
Laienrat, Katholischer |
Laienrichter |