Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Kopitar, BartholomäusKopitar, Bartholomäus, b. Repnje (Croatia), Aug. 23, 1780), d. Vienna, Aug. 11, 1844. Studied Slavonic languages, university professor and head librarian at the University of Vienna, pioneered the study of Slavonic languages in Austria. Works: Grammatik der slaw. Sprache in Krain, Kä. und Stmk., 1808; Glagolita Clozianus, 1836 (ed.); autobiography, 1838. Literature: W. Lukan (ed.), B. K. Neue Studien und Materialien anläßlich seines 150. Todestages, 1995.