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Klein, Johann Wilhelm© Copyright Johann Wilhelm Klein, lithograph by J. Kriehuber Klein, Johann Wilhelm, b. Allerheim near Nördlingen (Germany), April 11, 1765, d. Vienna, May 12, 1848, pioneer in the field of education for the blind, in 1804 started to teach blind juveniles in Vienna (from 1810 with public support in a house especially maintained for this purpose, the first school for the blind of the German speaking countries), in 1825 founded a charitable institution providing occupation and care for blind adults, in 1835 a museum on educating the blind. Works: Beschreibung eines gelungenen Versuches, blinde Kinder zur bürgerl. Brauchbarkeit zu bilden, 1805; Lehrbuch zum Unterrichte der Blinden, 1819; Geschichte des Blinden-Unterrichtes, 1837. Literature: J. Bauer, J. W. K. und die hist. Grundlagen der dt. Blindenpädagogik, 1926; ÖBL; NDB.