Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
KaumbergKaumberg, Lower Austria, market town in the district of Lilienfeld, alt. 494 m, pop. 942, area 43.01 km2; lies on the Kaumberg stream just upstream of its confluence with the River Triesting, - Manufacture of metal screw joints, forestry; - Late Gothic fortified church (14th -15th century), massive fortified tower (1502) and choir with fine tracery windows (around 1400); glass paintings by F. Küffer (1959); ruins of Araburg castle (first documented mention in 1209 destroyed by the Turks in 1683), tower (13th century) with a wedge-shaped base that looks like a beak ("Schnabelturm"), gate towers and St. George´s chapel (15th century).