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Joanneum, Steiermärkisches LandesmuseumJoanneum, Provincial Museum of Styria, originated 1811 in Graz when Archduke Johann donated his scientific and historical collections, originally intended for the University of Innsbruck, "to the intellectual development of the youth of Styria"; continually expanded through bequests and acquisitions, pursued at first primarily educational functions. From 1812 the Joanneum offered public lectures. Due to lack of funds, the desired transformation to a permanent educational institution made slow progress. In 1845 a Realschule (secondary school without Latin) was established as preparation for higher studies. After 1840, the chair for ferrous metallurgy developed into the School of Mining and Metallurgy in Vordernberg (Leoben University of Mining and Metallurgy), other professorships were consolidated into the Graz University of Technology (1864), which - except for the Department of Agriculture and Forestry - was taken over by the state in 1874. After teaching functions were separated from the foundation, the Joanneum, which was taken over by the Province of Styria after the death of its founder in 1861, became mainly an educational museum. The diversity of the Joanneum´s research activities and collections is reflected in the "Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum" up to the present day. The location in Graz houses the geology, palaeontology, mineralogy, zoology and botany departments, the Alte Galerie (old gallery); the Neue Galerie (new gallery) and the Landeszeughaus (provincial armoury: the largest preserved historical arsenal in the world) and the Folklore Museum. Eggenberg Castle features the prehistory and early history departments, the collection of Roman artefacts, the Antiquity Room, the department of numismatics, and the English landscape garden. Stainz Castle houses the agricultural collection and Trautenfels Castle the landscape museum. Also under the auspices of the Joanneum are the Hans Mauracher Museum in Graz and the Rannach Alpinum in St. Veit near Graz. Literature: B. Sutter (ed.), Festschrift 150 Jahre Joanneum 1811-1961, 1969; Annual Report Landesmuseum Joanneum, N. F. 1971-1992; F. Waidacher, Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz, 1982; D. A. Binder, Das Joanneum in Graz, Lehranstalt und Bildungsstätte, 1983. References to other albums: