Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Hussarek, Max, Freiherr von Heinlein© Copyright Max Hussarek, Baron of Heinlein, photo Hussarek, Max, Baron of Heinlein, b. Bratislava (Slovakia), May 3, 1865, d. Vienna, March 6, 1935, politician and law scholar, professor at the University of Vienna, main representative of Austrian State Church Law, 1911-1917 Minister of Education, from July 25 to October 27, 1918 last but one Prime Minister of Austria-Hungary, author of the federalist reforms which were announced by Emperor Karl I in October 1918 ("October manifesto"). Work: Grundriß des österreichischen Staatskirchenrechts, 1899. Literature: H. Rumpler, M. H., 1965.