Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Holt, Hans eigentlich Karl Johannes Hödl© Copyright Hans Holt, photo from the 1950s Holt, Hans (real name: Karl Johannes Hödl), b. Vienna, Nov. 22, 1909, d. Baden (Lower Austria), Aug. 3, 2001, Kammerschauspieler, director, author. 1930 début at the German Volkstheater in Vienna, worked at provincial theatres and at the Vienna Scala, 1934-1952 and again 1954-1988 at the Theater in der Josefstadt, 1952-1954 at the Burgtheater in Vienna; films (as Mozart in "Wen die Götter lieben") and television ("Der Leihopa"). Awarded 1964 Kainz Medal, 1989 Raimund Ring. Works: theatre plays: Es wird einmal, 1948; Der Zaun, 1951; Der Herzspezialist; 1957; Jeder Tag hat einen Morgen, 1991 (autobiography).