Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Fetz, Friedrich© Copyright Friedrich Fetz. Photo,1995. Fetz, Friedrich, b. Schlins (Vorarlberg), Nov. 2, 1927, sports scientist; at first secondary school teacher, 1954 Austrian champion in the Olympic twelve-exercise event; 1965-1968 professor at Frankfurt am Main University; since 1968 professor at the department of sport science of the University of Innsbruck. Works: Allgemeine Methodik der Leibesübungen, 1961; Leibesübungen für 6- bis 15jährige, 1971; Bewegungslehre der Leibesübungen, 1972; Sensomotorisches Gleichgewicht im Sport, 1987; Sportmotorische Diagnoseverfahren, 1989; Skipionier E. Janner, 1997. Literature: E. Kornexl (ed.), Spektrum der Sportwissenschaften, 1987.