Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Dworschak, FritzDworschak, Fritz, b. Krems (Lower Austria), Feb. 27, 1890, d. Krems, Sept. 10, 1974. Numismatist at the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum; 1938-1945 1st director of the Museum. Supervised the Order of the Golden Fleece and art treasures from the Klosterneuburg Monastery; 1944 headed the rescue of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. 1947-1958 head of the Krems Culture Authority; set up large-scale cultural history exhibits in Lower Austria; in 1965 headed the "Kunst der Donauschule" (Art of the Danube School) exhibition in St. Florian. Publication: Die Gotik in Niederösterreich, 1963 (ed.). Literature: H. Kühnel, F. D., Mittlg. des Kremser Stadtarchivs 23-25, 1985.