Choose the headword of interest from the following list. All the entries are also available in English, even though the headword may be in German.
Donnersbach - Dorfwirth, Josef Raimund |
Donnersbach |
Donnerskirchen |
Donnerstag |
Doping |
Doppeladler |
Doppelbauer, Franz Maria |
Doppelbauer, Josef Friedrich |
Doppelmayr |
Doppelschilling |
Doppler, Adolf |
Doppler, Christian |
Dopsch, Alfons |
Dopsch, Heinz |
Dor, Milo eigentlich Milutin Doroslovac, Pseudonyme: Alex Lutin, Alexander Dormann |
D´Ora |
Dorcsi, Mathias |
Dorf |
Dörfel, Franz |
Dorfer, Alfred |
Dorferneuerung |
Dorfgastein |
Dorflinde |
Dorfmeister, Johann Georg |
Dorfmeister, Michaela |
Dorfwirth, Josef Raimund |