Information: This is an old - not maintained - article of the AEIOU. In the Austria-Forum you find an updated version of this article in the new AEIOU.
Botz, GerhardBotz, Gerhard, b. Schärding (Upper Austria), March 14, 1941, historian. 1980-1997 university professor in Salzburg, since 1997 professor at the Department of Contemporary History of the University of Vienna. Visiting professor abroad (e.g. in Berlin, San Francisco and Paris). Renowned expert on the history of National Socialism in Austria. Publications: Die Eingliederung Österreichs in das Deutsche Reich, 1972; Wohnungspolitik und Judendeportation in Wien 1938 bis 1945, 1975; Wien vom "Anschluß" zum Krieg, 1978; Kontroversen um Österreichs Zeitgeschichte, 1994 (co-editor).