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Baumgartner, Andreas Freiherr von© Copyright Baron Andreas von Baumgartner. Lithograph. Baumgartner, Baron Andreas von, b. Frymburk, Czech Republic (then Friedberg), Nov. 23, 1793, d. Vienna, July 30, 1865, physicist, politician. 1823 professor of physics and applied mathematics at the University in Vienna, 1833 Director of the National Porcelain Factories, 1842-1848 Director of the National Tobacco Industry, head of the newly installed telegraph system; 1848 Minister of Labour, 1851-1855 Minister of Trade and Finance, responsible for the construction of the Semmering Railway, 1851-1865 president of the Academy of Sciences, founded the "Baumgartner Prize". Literature: G. Bauer, A. v. B. (1793-1865), master's thesis, Vienna 1991.